Sunday, March 28, 2010

Here is a sample of the Most Bad-ass Alphabet Ever brought to you by Unreality

Buisness Cards

Found this @

When LEGO employees get a business card like this, they even try to match the look of the mini-figurine (gender, hair, glasses) to the person.

I love it. It’s a brilliant way for LEGO to use their brand and to create some happiness along the way.

Facial Hair makes the Person

World's Worst Names Ever

You've got to be kidding!

Children with wacky parents get a raw deal at the best of times but for one little girl from New Zealand, the joke's gone too far.

Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii is divorcing her parents so she can change her terrible name.

The nine-year-old was made a ward of court in the North Island's New Plymouth this week.